Google Webster
free software, blogging tip, tutorial blog, seo tip and trick, daily journal, popular news, sport report, cheap price, freeware, shareware ... one stop lounge to share everything

Top Article Box : Well Functioned Widget

Welcome to Google Webster. As our vision, Google Webster is a kind of blog simplicity which is made to provide you a kind of one stop lounge where you can find so much access to get kind of free software, blogging tutorial, seo tip and trick, freeware, shareware, daily journal, popular news, sport report, or even some marvelous stuff with its cheapest price. And we also want to give somekind of information about how to earn the top ranking in major search engines and achieve the high traffic for your web site. This blog ocasionally loaded in bilingual mode for both English and Indonesian.

This widget will show the listed articles which are mostly commented by your blog visitors previously. It could very useful when some of your visitors come along to your blog as they are spoiled over by the search engine. When they arrive, they would be considerably that they are lost in somewhat a deep jungle without knowing which way should be taken. By having this widget on your sidebar, you can give them somekind of "Wise Guidance".. since they could get somekind of choices to explore deeper to your blog. Its a nice move to keep your visitor exploring your blog page. What a marvelous job you've did ... Right ? :D.

Indonesian Version ( originally taken from Ateonsoft )

Widget ini akan menampilkan posting-posting atau artikel-artikel yang memiliki komentar terbanyak. Kadang saat ada pengunjung ke blog kita (tepatnya kesasar dibawa mesin pencari) mereka ada yang bingung harus baca apa? dengan adanya daftar top artikel di sidebar, maka mereka jadi punya pilihan to? setidaknya mereka akan tertarik "ada apa diartikel ini kok banyak yang komentar"

Pemasangannya mudah tinggal isi form dibawah dan isi sesuai data blog kamu, kemudian klik "update" baru setelah itu klik "Tambahkan ke blog". Sebelumnya tentu kamu harus login ke account blogger kamu.

Google Webster's NOTE : Special Thanks to who has kindly dedicated this tutorial for us :D


cool widget !!
great template either !!

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